Friday, August 26, 2005


Originally uploaded by Buthaina al-Othman.
created for the Knowplace open weekend workshop.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Water Melon Via Mobile then to Flickr

Originally uploaded by Buthaina al-Othman.

The photo of the water melon dish you see is my first test post using my mobile camera and Flickr. Flickr has made it so easy now. I was actually having some water water melon you see in the image, while reading the note regarding Moblogging at Flickr. So, I took this photo using my cell-phone, posted to the email provided to me by Flickr, and then selected the blog where I wanted this photo published, and here you go. I know we can do something similar at, however, Flickr allows to choose which blog you want your "mophotos" published, buzznet restrict you to publish them on your buzznet.photoblog only. Hope we could post mobile videos via Flickr, as well; wonder if this is possible, in the future?

Thanks Flickr, :-)

Friday, August 19, 2005

Thiagi's ID & Jay's Informal Learning

Thiagi’s article, “Faster, Cheaper, Better”: < >, had me recall what Jay Cross said about formal and informal learning for his coming project, here: < > I don’t know how I made the connection between the thoughts of the two thinkers, but you might reach a similar conclusion when you visit the two above links, and then post a comment here.

If you’re in a hurry, you could read the quote copied from Thiagi’s article and pasted, below; it can give you a summary of his idea.  (Btw, I learned about Thiagi’s article through a post to a discussion on

“Focus on activities instead of content. We believe that an effective training package should contain these ABC elements: activities, behavioral outcomes, and content. We also believe that these elements should be tightly aligned with each other to avoid teaching one thing, testing something else, and using a procedure that proclaims "Don't do what I do. Just do what I say!"

Cool; …What do you think?

Redefining the Term "Hacker"

Today, while I was browsing a site, I came across a link that took me to Philip Greenspun's Weblog: < >, where I found his interesting article, titled “Business schools redefine hacking to "stuff that a 7-year-old could do”, based on the news story published on the News, at the URL:

Actually, it reminded me of the incident when my site and two of my email accounts were hacked by a student in our department back in Fall 2003. I like what Philip said, (see the quote below), about how the definition of the term hacker in the 1960s changed later in the 1990s.
“In the 1960s the term "hacking" meant smart people developing useful and innovative computer software. In the 1990s the term meant smart evil people developing and running programs to break into computer systems and gain shell access to those systems. Thanks to Harvard Business school the term now means "people of average IQ poking around curiously by editing URLs on public servers and seeing what comes back in the form of directory listings, etc."